Originating in China, the Goji berry is a small red fruit consumed for thousands of years by Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan and Indian people. It is therefore mainly grown in China, Tibet, Mongolia and in the Himalayas but can also be found in Europe and North America.
Did you know?
The name “Goji” was given to the plant in 1974 by the Tibetan doctor and botanical researcher Dobos Bradley. In Tibet, the berry benefits from the status of national treasure.
The Goji, called “Wolfberry” in English, grows on a small bush with stiff and very thorny branches. Measuring between 1 to 3 metres in height, it is made up of deciduous leaves, purple flowers and small elongated dark red-coloured berries. The Goji berry is used in the pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine under the name of “gou qi zi”. The berry which contains polysaccharides is used In phytotherapy.
Flowering and harvesting
This bush grows in quite dry soils. It requires very little sunshine and very little water. It has high adaptability since it is capable of withstanding very low temperatures, as low as -20°C. It does however need a period without frost of around six months to bear its fruit. The flowers come out in summer, then the famous red berries begin to form. The berries are harvested between the months of August and October. They are then dried for use in phytotherapy.
The Goji berry contains various substances such as polysaccharides, glycopeptides, vitamin C, carotenoids, amino acids, minerals.1
Eating this fruit helps to:
- Slow down cellular ageing1
The polysaccharides contained in the Goji berry play a significant antioxidant role. This fruit therefore helps to slow down ageing by combating the effects of free radicals found in the body. This is why it is known as the “longevity fruit”.
- Strengthen the immune system1
The combination of glycopeptides and polysaccharides found in the Goji berry help to stimulate and strengthen the immune system. The body will as a result be able to defend itself better against certain ailments.
- Aids in the reduction of bad cholesterol1
The Goji berry also helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood while increasing the level of good cholesterol.
IFAPME Luxembourg. (2010). Lycium Barbarum. Monographie cours d’herboristerie
1Giordano, I. (2009). La baie de Goji, un trésor de la nature ? Haute école de santé Genève, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics