

Combats stress and fatigue
Strengthens the body
Improves mental and physical performance



Originating in China, for around 4000 years, ginseng has occupied a prominent place in Chinese traditional pharmacopoeia. Its scientific name comes from the Greek word “panakeia” which means “all healing”, given the fact that it is one of the oldest medicinal plants used in the world.

Did you know?

In Chinese and Korean dialect, the name given to this plant means “Human Root”, in reference to its root which resembles the human form.2


Ginseng is a small herbaceous plant which measures no more than 80 cm in height. It has a tuberous root and a smooth green stalk, which sometimes has a red hue, and leaves divided into even lobes. It also has small greenish white flowers that grow in clusters. In phytotherapy, the ginseng root is used for its numerous virtues

Cultivation and harvesting

Although the plant can still be found growing wild in some parts of the Asian continent, it is however becoming more and more difficult to find it growing in nature. Ginseng is usually grown in temperate and cold regions in the north-east of China and the Korean peninsula, but it is also grown in Europe according to cultivation techniques developed in Korea. It's a plant that is much sought after since it blossoms in the spring of its fourth anniversary only, producing little white flowers and then small red berries. As for the roots, you have to wait at least five years to be able to benefit from their properties. They are usually harvested at the beginning of autumn, then dried or blanched for use in phytotherapy.


The ginseng root contains on average 3 to 8% ginsenosides which are the origin of the invigorating properties of the plant .1
Ginseng helps to:

  • Combat stress and fatigue1

Ginseng is considered as an important adaptogen since it is able to combat the effects of stress on the body and help to reduce fatigue.


  • Strengthen the body1

The ginseng root contains antioxidants which protect the body from free radicals, responsible for the ageing of cells. It also helps to strengthen the body’s natural defences, to ensure the healthy functioning of the immune system.


  • Improve mental and physical performance1

The plant helps to maintain good cognitive skills by strengthening in particular memory capacity, as well as physical performance.


1Plant-based health: 200 plants with health benefits Reader’s Digest selection, 2003. 352 p. ISBN 2-7098-1413-7