Fatigue, pains and tingling in the calves, heavy leg feeling which tends to intensify during the summer months..

Bad circulation, water retention, floor heating, there are many causes which can lead to the formation of varicose veins, so it is important take action at the earliest symptoms. How? We´ll explain it all!

Venous insufficiency is always the cause

The phenomenon of temporary heavy legs is the most frequent external cause as well as heat, a prolonged period of standing or lack of exercise. In such a case a little daily walking may be sufficient for it to disappear. In fact, when walking, the blood is pumped into the deep veins under effect of compression of the instep and muscular contractions which act as a pump.

If the symptoms persist, it is recommended that you consult a doctor, you’re probably experiencing the onset of venous insufficiency. The valves or flaps located inside the veins which allow the blood to be returned to the heart are not working properly, the fluids stagnate in the leg area causing swelling and discomfort.

Water retention, an aggravating factor

The human body is made up of 60% water, which is insufficiently reabsorbed by the blood vessels and kidneys; it stagnates in particular in the leg area which becomes swollen and painful. Often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, this phenomenon can be alleviated with daily exercise together with a diet consisting of the right proportion of proteins, and rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. While on the subject of diet, it is wrong to think that drinking water aggravates its retention, 1.5 to 2 litres are necessary for the proper hydration of the body. On the other hand, avoiding salt and food additives promotes its elimination.

Support stockings but not exclusively

Although they are effective, support stockings are not always comfortable, but fortunately fitting a few everyday practices into your routine can avoid the need to wear them routinely.

The stationary sitting or standing position can exacerbate heavy legs, so it is recommended to move around regularly avoiding high heels, shuffling or crossing the legs. The natural heat of the sun or that of solar heating should both be avoided as well as tobacco and alcohol. Swimming, walking in water or cycling as well as elevating your feet when you are sitting or lying down should contribute significantly to your venous return. Cold showers are also ideal for alleviating this feeling at any time of the day.