This may seem obvious yet nevertheless we overlook this simple fact: beautiful hair is hair in good health. This means that like the rest of our body, the hair maintains itself and not only by washing it.


Combating sebum

This lipid film secreted by the skin’s sebaceous glands prevents the hair from drying out or becoming brittle, but when produced in excess it may cause scalp irritation which may lead to hair loss.

Avoid oils or products containing silicon, they will only exacerbate the problem! Various camomile, rosemary and nettle based hair products effectively regulate the production of sebum gently.

Avoid external aggressions

Pool and sea water damage the hair, so even if it might not look very pretty, wear a bathing cap.
Neither the sun or cold weather are friends of the hair, so in summer or winter, a cap, hat or bonnet is therefore needed.

Also try not to wash your hair too much, twice per week and with water that is not too hot is quite sufficient! Lastly, use a soft brush, avoid using a hair dryer at the highest setting and repeated bleaching, perming, dyeing or relaxing and your hair will thank you.

Protect and nourish your hair

The hair nourishes itself from what you eat so eat proteins! They contain compounds that allow keratin to be synthesized. Also opt for foods that are a source of vitamin B such as wheat germ, oily fish or soya. They play a role in hair growth.

A preventive treatment before the autumn will help you to better tackle this difficult hair season.

Lastly, incorporate parsley, shellfish or black pudding into your diet! Rich in iron, they play a role in the correct oxygenation of the hair bulb. In addition, the absorption of iron is facilitated by vitamin C. Accompany your meal with an orange juice! The dietary supplements in the Capileov range contain various vitamins, a complex, the 5 alpha blocker composed of green tea and onion, extract of saw palmetto, Serenoa repens, which stimulates hair growth and slows down hair loss.


Normally, we lose on average 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. If hair loss increases a little with the arrival of autumn, don’t panic! You won’t necessarily go bald. You may have a case of temporary alopecia.

During the summer months, the sun’s rays increase the secretion of hormones which stimulate hair growth. During the autumn, the hair bulbs go into a rest phase which results in increased hair loss.

In principle, this episode lasts for approximately 2 months. However, it is quite possible to reduce the effects with the appropriate measures.

A normal phenomenon

Above all else, it’s important to be aware that hair only falls out when it’s dead. Therefore, it’s important to take action before the change of season. Because once hair loss is underway, it takes several weeks for the treatment to take effect.

A little like trees or plants, our hair lives according to a cycle known as the hair growth cycle which comprises 3 phases:

  • The hair growth phase (anagen), 2 to 3 years in men, 6 years in women
  • The rest phase (catagen), 2 to 3 weeks
  • The hair loss phase (telogen), 2 to 3 months

Each hair follicle can ensure between 20 to 25 hair growth cycles. 85% of the hair is in growth phase at any given time.

Our hair is quite simply sensitive to environmental changes such as heat, humidity or the sun. These changes disrupt its renewal cycle.