Good for the mood by stimulating the well-being hormone, good for the bones and the immune defence system by promoting the synthesis of vitamin D, the sun is a friend that wishes us well… but take precautions!

When sunny days arrive, we´re all in a rush to get a healthy glow, but it’s important to bear in mind that the tanning race should be more like a half marathon than a sprint. Preparation, training phases, all the professionals agree, when it comes to the sun we should always exercise caution.

Here’s some advice on how you can tan in a lasting way and without risk.

Skin that is well cared for all year round is better.

When the skin is maintained and cared for every day, it maintains its elasticity and is always better equipped to contend with the sun’s rays. A daily hydration routine and regular scrubs are good habits to develop which can be combined with a course of nutritional supplements for nourishing the skin from the inside.

After the winter months, a gentle exfoliation is a must! Carried out once per week, a gentle scrub refines the skin’s texture and cleans the pores in depth for a more lasting tan and a radiant glow.

Hydration, is the essential ally for your skin

The dryer the skin, the more likely it is to suffer when exposed to the sun, nourishing the epidermis allows for the preservation of its youthfulness and firmness. In summer, always drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 litres, to make up for dryness caused by sweating and hydrate your skin with a suitable cream.

Nutritional supplements, your inner strength

Pre-tan lotions provide the essential elements for gentle tanning while reducing the risks of sunburn or the appearance of dark spots. Particularly recommended for the fair-skinned prototype, their active ingredients boost natural tanning while strengthening the skin’s natural self protection. A course of 3 weeks before initial sun exposure maximises their effect.

Following preparation, tanning can begin

Exposing well prepared skin to the first sun rays does not rule out taking some essential precautions particular as regards children and pregnant women. The first obvious precaution is choosing a sun cream that is suitable for your phototype and regularly reapplying it. You can expose yourself gradually avoiding the period between midday and 4 pm when the UV rays are the strongest. Tanning is a natural skin protection process which corresponds to an index 4; allow it time to develop before further sun exposure.